At the Table

Living with the belief that gay people have a place at the table of Christ.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

12-year-old lobbies for gay adoption

In a heartwarming story, 12-year-old Michael Gulliford-Green brought a family portrait to Florida's capital, showing the parents he calls Dad and Daddy.

"Three years ago, I was adopted by two gay men who are my parents now, "he told a Republican Representative, "I just want to get rid of this ban that was set 30 years ago and affects our family and a whole lot of families."

Michael's adoption took place in New York to Buddy Gulliford, 44, and Jim Green, 35, who have been partners for eight years.

As Buddy and Jim showed Michael their bedroom, they shared this conversation about homosexuality: "Love is love, whether it's between a man and a man, or a man and a woman." Michael chose to take both of his dad's last names.

One year ago the family moved to Florida, where, along with Mississippi and Utah, adoptions to gay couples are banned.

The full story is here.


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